Model Outputs

File: /modeChoice.csv

Classname: ModeChosenAnalysisObject

field description
iterations iteration number
car Car chosen as travel mode
drive_transit Drive to transit chosen as travel mode
ride_hail Ride Hail chosen as travel mode
walk Walk chosen as travel mode
walk_transit Walk to transit chosen as travel mode
bike_transit bike to transit chosen as travel mode

File: /referenceModeChoice.csv

Classname: ModeChosenAnalysisObject

field description
iterations Bike chosen as travel mode
bike iteration number
car Car chosen as travel mode
drive_transit Drive to transit chosen as travel mode
ride_hail Ride Hail chosen as travel mode
ride_hail_transit Ride Hail to transit chosen as travel mode
walk Walk chosen as travel mode
walk_transit Walk to transit chosen as travel mode
bike_transit bike to transit chosen as travel mode

File: /realizedMode.csv

Classname: RealizedModeAnalysisObject

field description
car Car chosen as travel mode
drive_transit Drive to transit chosen as travel mode
other Other modes of travel chosen
ride_hail Ride Hail chosen as travel mode
walk Walk chosen as travel mode
walk_transit Walk to transit chosen as travel mode

File: /rideHailRevenue.csv

Classname: RideHailRevenueAnalysisObject

field description
iteration # iteration number
revenue Revenue generated from ride hail

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.averageTravelTimes.csv

Classname: PersonTravelTimeAnalysisObject

field description
Mode Travel mode chosen
Hour,* Average time taken to travel by the chosen mode during the given hour of the day

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.energyUse.png.csv

Classname: FuelUsageAnalysisObject

field description
Modes Mode of travel chosen by the passenger
Bin_* Energy consumed by the vehicle while travelling by the chosen mode within the given time bin

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.physsimLinkAverageSpeedPercentage.csv

Classname: PhyssimCalcLinkSpeedStatsObject

field description
Bin A given time slot within a day
AverageLinkSpeed The average speed at which a vehicle can travel across the network during the given time bin

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.physsimFreeFlowSpeedDistribution.csv

Classname: PhyssimCalcLinkSpeedDistributionStatsObject

field description
freeSpeedInMetersPerSecond The possible full speed at which a vehicle can drive through the given link (in m/s)
numberOfLinks Total number of links in the network that allow vehicles to travel with speeds up to the given free speed
linkEfficiencyInPercentage Average speed efficiency recorded by the the given network link in a day
numberOfLinks Total number of links having the corresponding link efficiency

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.rideHailWaitingHistogram.csv

Classname: RideHailWaitingAnalysisObject

field description
Waiting Time The time spent by a passenger waiting for a ride hail
Hour Hour of the day
Count Frequencies of times spent waiting for a ride hail during the entire day

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.rideHailIndividualWaitingTimes.csv

Classname: RideHailWaitingAnalysisObject

field description
timeOfDayInSeconds Time of a day in seconds
personId Unique id of the passenger travelling by the ride hail
rideHailVehicleId Unique id of the ride hail vehicle
waitingTimeInSeconds Time spent by the given passenger waiting for the arrival of the given ride hailing vehicle

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.rideHailSurgePriceLevel.csv

Classname: GraphSurgePricingObject

field description
PriceLevel Travel fare charged by the ride hail in the given hour
Hour Hour of the day

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.rideHailRevenue.csv

Classname: GraphSurgePricingObject

field description
Revenue Revenue earned by ride hail in the given hour
Hour Hour of the day

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.tazRideHailSurgePriceLevel.csv.gz

Classname: GraphSurgePricingObject

field description
TazId TAZ id
DataType Type of data , can be “priceLevel” or “revenue”
Value Value of the given data type , can indicate either price Level or revenue earned by the ride hail in the given hour
Hour Hour of the day

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.rideHailWaitingSingleStats.csv

Classname: RideHailingWaitingSingleAnalysisObject

field description
WaitingTime(sec) Time spent by a passenger on waiting for a ride hail
Hour* Hour of the day

File: /stopwatch.txt

Classname: StopWatchOutput

field description
Iteration Iteration number
BEGIN iteration Begin time of the iteration
BEGIN iterationStartsListeners Time at which the iteration start event listeners started
END iterationStartsListeners Time at which the iteration start event listeners ended
BEGIN replanning Time at which the replanning event started
END replanning Time at which the replanning event ended
BEGIN beforeMobsimListeners Time at which the beforeMobsim event listeners started
BEGIN dump all plans Begin dump all plans
END dump all plans End dump all plans
END beforeMobsimListeners Time at which the beforeMobsim event listeners ended
BEGIN mobsim Time at which the mobsim run started
END mobsim Time at which the mobsim run ended
BEGIN afterMobsimListeners Time at which the afterMobsim event listeners started
END afterMobsimListeners Time at which the afterMobsim event listeners ended
BEGIN scoring Time at which the scoring event started
END scoring Time at which the scoring event ended
BEGIN iterationEndsListeners Time at which the iteration ends event listeners ended
BEGIN compare with counts Time at which compare with counts started
END compare with counts Time at which compare with counts ended
END iteration Time at which the iteration ended

File: /scorestats.txt

Classname: ScoreStatsOutput

field description
ITERATION Iteration number
avg. EXECUTED Average of the total execution time for the given iteration
avg. WORST Average of worst case time complexities for the given iteration
avg. AVG Average of average case time complexities for the given iteration
avg. BEST Average of best case time complexities for the given iteration

File: /summaryStats.txt

Classname: SummaryStatsOutput

field description
Iteration Iteration number
agentHoursOnCrowdedTransit Time taken by the agent to travel in a crowded transit
fuelConsumedInMJ_Diesel Amount of diesel consumed in megajoule
fuelConsumedInMJ_Food Amount of food consumed in megajoule
fuelConsumedInMJ_Electricity Amount of electricity consumed in megajoule
fuelConsumedInMJ_Gasoline Amount of gasoline consumed in megajoule
numberOfVehicles_BEV Time at which the beforeMobsim event listeners started
numberOfVehicles_BODY-TYPE-DEFAULT Number of vehicles of type BODY-TYPE-DEFAULT
numberOfVehicles_BUS-DEFAULT Number of vehicles of type BUS-DEFAULT
numberOfVehicles_Car Time at which the beforeMobsim event listeners ended
numberOfVehicles_SUBWAY-DEFAULT Time at which the mobsim run started
personTravelTime_car Time taken by the passenger to travel by car
personTravelTime_drive_transit Time taken by the passenger to drive to the transit
personTravelTime_others Time taken by the passenger to travel by other means
personTravelTime_walk Time taken by the passenger to travel on foot
personTravelTime_walk_transit Time taken by the passenger to walk to the transit
totalCostIncludingIncentive_walk_transit Total cost (including incentive) paid by the passenger to reach destination by walking to transit and then transit to destination
totalCostIncludingIncentive_ride_hail Total cost (including incentive) paid by the passenger to reach destination on a ride hail
totalIncentive_drive_transit Total incentive amount paid to passenger to reach destination by driving to transit and then transit to destination
totalIncentive_ride_hail Total incentive amount paid to passenger to reach destination by ride hail
totalIncentive_walk_transit Total incentive amount paid to passenger to reach destination by walking to transit and then transit to destination
totalTravelTime Total time taken by the passenger to travel from source to destination
totalVehicleDelay Sum of all the delay times incurred by the vehicle during the travel
vehicleHoursTraveled_BEV Time taken (in hours) by the vehicle to travel from source to destination
vehicleHoursTraveled_BODY-TYPE-DEFAULT Time taken (in hours) by the vehicle to travel from source to destination
vehicleHoursTraveled_BUS-DEFAULT Time taken (in hours) by the vehicle(bus) to travel from source to destination
vehicleHoursTraveled_Car Time taken (in hours) by the vehicle(car) to travel from source to destination
vehicleHoursTraveled_SUBWAY-DEFAULT Time taken (in hours) by the vehicle (subway) to travel from source to destination
vehicleMilesTraveled_BEV Miles covered by the vehicle to travel from source to destination
vehicleMilesTraveled_BODY-TYPE-DEFAULT Miles covered by the vehicle to travel from source to destination
vehicleMilesTraveled_BUS-DEFAULT Miles covered by the vehicle(bus) to travel from source to destination
vehicleMilesTraveled_Car Miles covered by the vehicle(car) to travel from source to destination
vehicleMilesTraveled_SUBWAY-DEFAULT Miles covered by the vehicle(subway) to travel from source to destination
vehicleMilesTraveled_total Miles covered by the vehicles(all modes) to travel from source to destination

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.countsCompare.txt

Classname: CountsCompareOutput

field description
Link Id Iteration number
Count Time taken by the agent to travel in a crowded transit
Station Id Amount of diesel consumed in megajoule
Hour Amount of food consumed in megajoule
MATSIM volumes Amount of electricity consumed in megajoule
Relative Error Amount of gasoline consumed in megajoule
Normalized Relative Error Time at which the beforeMobsim event listeners started

File: /ITERS/it.0/

Classname: EventOutput

field description
person Person(Agent) Id
vehicle vehicle id
time Start time of the vehicle
type Type of the event
fuel Type of fuel used in the vehicle
duration Duration of the travel
cost Cost of travel
location.x X co-ordinate of the location
location.y Y co-ordinate of the location
parking_type Parking type chosen by the vehicle
pricing_model Pricing model
charging_type Charging type of the vehicle
parking_taz Parking TAZ
distance Distance between source and destination
location Location of the vehicle
mode Mode of travel
currentTourMode Current tour mode
expectedMaximumUtility Expected maximum utility of the vehicle
availableAlternatives Available alternatives for travel for the passenger
personalVehicleAvailable Whether the passenger possesses a personal vehicle
tourIndex Tour index
facility Facility availed by the passenger
departTime Time of departure of the vehicle
originX X ordinate of the passenger origin point
originY Y ordinate of the passenger origin point
destinationX X ordinate of the passenger destination point
destinationY Y ordinate of the passenger destination point
fuelType Fuel type of the vehicle
num_passengers Num of passengers travelling in the vehicle
links Number of links in the network
departure_time Departure time of the vehicle
arrival_time Arrival time of the vehicle
vehicle_type Type of vehicle
capacity Total capacity of the vehicle
start.x X ordinate of the start point
start.y Y ordinate of the start point
end.x X ordinate of the vehicle end point
end.y Y ordinate of the vehicle end point
end_leg_fuel_level Fuel level at the end of the travel
seating_capacity Seating capacity of the vehicle
costType Type of cost of travel incurred on the passenger

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.legHistogram.txt

Classname: LegHistogramOutput

field description
time Time
time Time
departures_all Total number of departures on all modes
arrivals_all Total number of arrivals on all modes
duration Duration of travel
stuck_all Total number of travels that got stuck on all modes
en-route_all Total number of travels by all modes
departures_car Total number of departures by car
arrivals_car Total number of departures by car
stuck_car Total number of travels that got stuck while travelling by car
en-route_car Total number of travels made by car
departures_drive_transit Total number of departures by drive to transit
arrivals_drive_transit Total number of arrivals by drive to transit
stuck_drive_transit Total number of travels that got stuck while travelling by drive to transit
en-route_drive_transit Total number of travels made by drive to transit
departures_ride_hail Total number of departures by ride hail
arrivals_ride_hail Total number of arrivals by ride hail
stuck_ride_hail Total number of travels that got stuck while travelling by ride hail
en-route_ride_hail Total number of travels made by ride hail
departures_walk Total number of departures on foot
arrivals_walk Total number of arrivals on foot
stuck_walk Total number of travels that got stuck while travelling on foot
en-route_walk Total number of travels made on foot
departures_walk_transit Total number of departures by walk to transit
arrivals_walk_transit Total number of arrivals by walk to transit
stuck_walk_transit Total number of travels that got stuck while travelling by walk to transit
en-route_walk_transit Total number of travels made by walk to transit

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.rideHailTripDistance.csv

Classname: RideHailTripDistanceOutput

field description
hour Hour of the day
numPassengers Number of passengers travelling in the ride hail
vkt Total number of kilometers travelled by the ride hail vehicle

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.tripDuration.txt

Classname: TripDurationOutput

field description
pattern Pattern
(5*i)+ Value

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.biasErrorGraphData.txt

Classname: BiasErrorGraphDataOutput

field description
hour Hour of the day
mean relative error Mean relative error
mean bias Mean bias value

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.biasNormalizedErrorGraphData.txt

Classname: BiasNormalizedErrorGraphDataOutput

field description
hour Hour of the day
mean normalized relative error Mean normalized relative error
mean bias Mean bias value

File: /ITERS/it.0/0.rideHailFleetFromInitializer.csv.gz

Classname: RideHailFleetInitialize

field description
id Id of the ride hail vehicle
rideHailManagerId Id of the ride hail manager
vehicleType Type of the beam vehicle
initialLocationX X-coordinate of the initial location of the ride hail vehicle
initialLocationY Y-coordinate of the initial location of the ride hail vehicle
shifts Time shifts for the vehicle , usually a stringified collection of time ranges
geoFenceX X-coordinate of the geo fence central point
geoFenceY Y-coordinate of the geo fence central point
geoFenceRadius Radius of the geo fence